Shipping and payment


We ship with the following carriers, the offer varies depending on the country of destination:
DHL Express, PPL, FedEx, Packeta (and its local shipping partners).
The cost of shipping is calculated in the cart based on the composition of the order.



The order can be paid by bank transfer. For money transfer in EUR send the amount due to the following account: IBAN CZ04 2010 0000 0022 0174 0258, kept at Fio banka, a.s., Prague, CZ

We do not accept cash and cash on delivery payments.

If you are looking for an easy and inexpensive way to pay for you order by money transfer, we can recommend the Wise. Click here for simple instructions.

The peerko s.r.o. company is a CZ VAT payer.

Customs duty
Please note that when ordering from outside European Union, local taxes and customs duties may apply on receipt. Such charges are born by the customer. The amounts vary based on the country of destination. If you are not sure about the charges in your country, please contact your local authority.